A Smile :-)

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What does a smile say?

What does a smile say?

A smile is one of the most powerful, nonverbal expressions. It has a huge impact on how we are perceived. A genuine smile radiates warmth and can make others in your presence feel at ease and interested. It can transmit confidence, friendliness, optimism & leadership. In presentations, there is always a time to smile. It can convey further meaning than the words themselves. Have you considered when there is a good time to smile in your in-person or virtual presentation? As you prep, think about when your listeners would benefit from a smile to enhance your speech and content. In the beginning or end parts to let them know you appreciate their attention? In the middle, following a statement to show confidence and passion? Think about where you can smile genuinely to improve your message with one of the most important facial expressions in life that connects people.



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